目前分類:健康 (279)

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Flavonoids — the powerful, plant-based antioxidant compounds that have been linked to disease prevention — are found in a variety of fruits, nuts and vegetables. But, as a recent government report points out, the amount you get depends on the kind of plant you eat, and how much stress it has endured.

In its most comprehensive study yet on the healthy compounds, the U.S. Department of Agriculture not only suggest that certain varieties of fruits, nuts and veggies contain more antioxidants than others, but that flavonoid content varies widely between individual samples. For example, a market may display a tub full of red delicious apples, but flavonoid levels in each individual apple may vary.

The research showed that the difference may be due to stress, which appears to increase the healthful properties of produce. Nutritionist David Haytowitz, one of the study’s authors, explained to Discovery News that taxing conditions — such as those created by more natural farming methods — appear to force plants to release greater amounts of flavonoids and other beneficial compounds.

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蒙特婁的McGill大學研究人員Sonia J. Lupien博士在新聞稿中表示,壓力已經在我們生活中變得很普遍,且可被接受;許多研究顯示壓力對於高血壓、心臟病等身體上的健康有負面影響,但是少有研究強調其對於精神健康的影響;他們的研究則是直接檢視壓力或是壓力荷爾蒙對大腦功能的長期影響。

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簡單來說,這項研究傳遞的主要訊息是,如果青少年很關心在意自己的體重,他們需要多喝牛奶來代替汽水;主導研究的Rachel Novotny博士向WebMD 表示,喝較多汽水的女孩體重較重,即使他們跟其他人攝取一樣多的卡路里。

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印度海得拉巴眼科研究基金會研究部主任巴拉蘇伯蘭馬尼安(D. Balasubramanian簡稱巴拉蘇),以牛、羊、馬、象等草食性動物常吃樹草果皮而軀體健壯為例表示,他年逾七十高齡的父親也因夏天每餐必連皮帶肉吃下兩顆芒果,有時製成果汁喝下,至今依然維持精神矍鑠的健康體魄。


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A spearmint-flavored, chewable birth-control pill is now available by prescription at U.S. drug stores.

Introduced last September as Ovcon 35 Chewable, it is now dubbed Femcon Fe by Warner Chilcott, which markets the chewable made by Bristol Myers Squibb.

The pill may be chewed -- followed by a full glass of water so the full dose reaches the stomach, with no residue left in the mouth. Or it can be swallowed whole.

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Teens who often engage in unhealthy habits on their own, rather than with peers, may be in bigger trouble, a new study finds.

Researchers at the Rand Corp. found that teens who use alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana when they are alone are less likely to graduate from college, more likely to have substance abuse problems and report poorer physical health by age 23, compared with their peers who only use these substances in groups.

"We found that kids who used these substances while alone were not only at higher risk for problems during adolescences, but 10 years later when they were 23," said study author Joan Tucker, a behavioral scientist at Rand Corp.

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Have you ever wondered why that sinful chocolate cake melts in your mouth or why home made French fries taste as good as those from McDonald’s?

It is because of the secret ingredient called trans fats, which adds a ‘great mouth feel’ to most food.

Known as killer oil, trans fats have no nutritional benefits. Several countries across the world have banned or regulated it with several fast food giants facing million dollar lawsuits for selling trans fats-rich food.

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據健康時報報導,通過「大鼠實驗」, 坎貝爾教授發現當攝入的酪蛋白水平達到或者超過大鼠生長所需要的正常水平時,就會促進癌的發生。吃飼料中含20%谷蛋白的大鼠,體內腫瘤病灶細胞沒有甚麼增加;吃飼料中含20%酪蛋白的大鼠,體內腫瘤病灶細胞則呈斜線顯著上升。


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Fears that cell phones might cause cancer appear to be all talk, researchers report.

A major new Danish study finds no link between short- or long-term use of the devices and risks for malignancy.

Cell phones antennas emit electromagnetic fields that can penetrate into the human brain and concerns have been raised that this may increase the risk of tumors in the head or neck.

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A huge study from Denmark offers the latest reassurance that cell phones don't trigger cancer. Scientists tracked 420,000 Danish cell phone users, including 52,000 who had gabbed on the gadgets for 10 years or more, and some who started using them 21 years ago.

They matched phone records to the famed Danish Cancer Registry that records every citizen who gets the disease — and reported Tuesday that cell-phone callers are no more likely than anyone else to suffer a range of cancer types.

The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is the largest yet to find no bad news about the safety of cell phones and the radiofrequency energy they emit.

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Heavy smokers who halve their daily cigarette intake hoping to minimise health risks may not get any benefit, says a study.

A Norwegian study, published in the journal Tobacco Control, looked into more than 51,000 men and women aged between 20 and 34. It found stubbing out was the only way to cut the risk, reported the online edition of BBC News.

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A male contraceptive pill which stops the production of sperm could be available in five years' time, say researchers from King's College London, UK. They plan to to test a chemical which stops the vas deferens from contracting and passing sperm from the testes out of the penis.

For about ten years we have known that some drugs used for schizophrenia and hypertension stop the sperm from reaching the penis in this way. However, they could not be used as a male contraceptive because of their side-effects, which included drowsiness and dizziness.

Researchers have managed to isolate the chemical which stops the vas deferens from contracting and pumping sperm from the testicles out of the penis (ejaculating). The chemical, say the scientists, will be tested first on animals, and then on humans.

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