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First-born children of young mothers have the best chance of living to 100, new research suggests.

Scientists in the US made the discovery after reconstructing the family histories of 198 centenarians born between 1875 and 1899.

They found that first-born children were 1.7 times more likely than their siblings to live to 100.

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A new study on marijuana and memory may show why using pot hampers memory.

The study appears in Nature Neuroscience's advance online edition.

Researchers included David Robbe, PhD, of the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

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Cranberries are among the top foods with proven health benefits, according to Amy Howell, a researcher at Rutgers University.

Cranberries are full of antioxidants, which protects cells from damage by unstable molecules called free radicals.

The National Institutes of Health is funding research on the cranberry's effects on heart disease, yeast infections and other conditions, and other researchers are investigating its potential against cancer, stroke and viral infections.

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A component of red wine recently shown to help laboratory mice live longer also protects animals from obesity and diabetes, researchers reported Thursday.

The new research helps confirm and extend the possible benefits of the substance, resveratrol, and offers new insight into how it works -- apparently by revving up the metabolism to make muscles burn more energy and work more efficiently. Mice fed large doses could run twice as far as normal.

In addition, the scientists produced evidence for the first time linking the biological pathway activated by the substance to humans, showing that the same genetic switch that resveratrol mimics seems to naturally endow some people with faster metabolisms.

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A drug already shown to reverse the effects of obesity in mice and make them live longer has now been shown to increase their endurance as well.

Experts say the finding may open up a new field of research on similar drugs that may be relevant to the prevention of diabetes and other diseases.

An ordinary laboratory mouse will run one kilometer on a treadmill before collapsing from exhaustion. But mice given resveratrol, a minor component of red wine and other foods, run twice as far. They also have energy-charged muscles and a reduced heart rate, just as trained athletes do, according to an article published online in Cell by Johan Auwerx and colleagues at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch, France.

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Eating chocolate can boost the level of heart-protecting antioxidants in the blood, but consuming milk at the same time cancels the potential health benefits, according to a new study.

The researchers speculate that milk may also have the same effect on other antioxidant-rich foods, including fruit and green vegetables.

Researchers in Scotland and Italy looked at the body's absorption of an antioxidant found in cocoa, called epicatechin, and a type of flavonoid.

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There's more evidence that cocoa rich in cholesterol-battling antioxidants helps ward off some of the factors associated with heart attacks and stroke, scientists lecturing here Friday during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science said.

The antioxidants in chocolate are called flavonoids, potent plant compounds also found in tea, red wine and some fruits and vegetables. Studies show that flavonoids slow the processing of "bad" LDL cholesterol into material that clogs the arteries, and at the same time make blood platelets less likely to clump and cause clots.

"What we're finding, though, is that all flavenoids are not created equal. There are some foods that are richer in them, and seem to be more biologically active, and cocoa is right up there," said Carl Keen, chairman of the nutrition department at the University of California-Davis.

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Here's news that's hard not to like. Eating a small, 1.6-ounce bar of dark chocolate every day is good for you. Very good for you, find Mary Engler, PhD, RN, of the University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues.

Now here is a medical experiment you would love to volunteer for. Engler's team divided 21 healthy adults into two groups. One group got a Dove Dark Chocolate bar every day for two weeks. Like other dark chocolate bars with high-cocoa content, this one is loaded with something called epicatechin. Epicatechin is a particularly active member of a group of compounds called plant flavoniods. Flavoniods keep cholesterol from gathering in blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, and slow down the immune responses that lead to clogged arteries.

The second group that didn't get Dove bars wasn't totally left out. They, too, got dark chocolate bars. But their treats had the flavoniods taken out.

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該研究已刊載於 13日出版的「內科文獻」,並且是首度針對食用紅肉與停經前婦女罹患乳癌之關聯性,以及針對特定類型乳癌所進行的研究。這項針對超過九萬名婦女所做的研究發現,在二十、三十與四十多歲時吃較多紅肉的女性,其未來十二年罹患一種癌細胞因荷爾蒙刺激而生長的乳癌機率較高;紅肉吃得最多的女性,罹患這類型乳癌的機率,將近是不太吃紅肉的女性的兩倍。

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If you eat a little bit of dark chocolate each day you could be reducing your chances of developing a blood clot, say researchers from Johns Hopkins University, USA. They say dark chocolate helps thin the blood, in pretty much the same way as aspirin does.

The research team had started studying aspirin's effect on platelets. Platelets are tiny particles in your blood that stick to each other, eventually forming clumps which make a clot. The patients being observed had to give up eating chocolate for the study to be effective. However, 139 of them couldn't do so - they continued eating chocolates.

The scientists decided to compare the blood of the chocoholics to those who had stopped eating chocolate. They found that the chocoholics' platelets clotted at 130 seconds (when taken out), compared to 123 seconds for the other people. In other words, the platelets of the chocoholics were taking longer to clot.

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茄鹼 是一種神經毒素

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新成立的「亞太地區避孕協會」(APCOC)主席阿范迪(Brian Affandi)表示,如果婦女適當避孕,墮胎致死的悲劇是可以避免的。


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Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News

Eating chocolate can either be a health trick or just a treat, according to a recent study that found dark chocolate is so healthy it may reduce the risk of heart disease, but white chocolate provides very little health benefits.

The study, published in a recent Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, also determined that chocolate is the third highest antioxidant source for U.S. consumers, just behind coffee and tea.

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「 昨天為什麼沒來上班?」曉鈴紅著臉說:「昨天早上起床時,頭很暈,無法站穩,所以,就請假在家休息。」


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